Q1: Can I publish a review or survey paper in AJHSS?
A1: There are no restrictions on the type of paper that may be published within AJHSS. Any article submitted that falls within the aims and scope of a journal will be eligible to be published in AJHSS.

Q2: How much will it cost to publish in AJHSS?
A2: As our journal is open access to all the readers around the world, we charge the fees for publication to keep operation such as Peer-review, Copyediting, Typesetting and XML mark-up etc. The publication is free but authors need the subscription of journal. Authors from developing countries will be offered discounts on the subscription fee.

Q3: How long does the review process take?
A3: The papers will be reviewed by two or more independent referees. They may also be read and considered by members of the journal’s editorial board and ultimately by the editor(s) before a decision is rendered. The review result will be sent to you within one month after submission. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to know the status of your manuscript.

Q4: How to submit manuscripts to AJHSS?
A4: Authors should submit their manuscript by email.

Q5: How do I know whether my manuscript submission to AJHSS worked OK?
A5: You will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail as soon as you have uploaded the manuscript. Your manuscript will then be checked and forwarded to the editors who will start the preliminary review. If there are any problems with your uploaded manuscript you will be contacted by the editors.

Q6: Whom do I contact if I have questions about the status of my manuscript?
A5: You will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail as soon as you have uploaded the manuscript. Your manuscript will then be checked and forwarded to the editors who will start the preliminary review. If there are any problems with your uploaded manuscript you will be contacted by the editors.

Q7: What type of file format do you accept?
A7: At present, Microsoft Word 2007 or higher is the only format for submitting your manuscript.

Q8: Where can I find a template for submission of a paper in AJHSS?
A8: Template is available on the website:

Q9: How many pages are allowed in any submitted paper?
A9: Submissions should be no less than five pages and should not exceed thirty pages in length.

Q10: Why do I need to sign a copyright form?
A10: It is a legal requirement that we cannot publish any article without receiving a signed copyright form from the author. If we do not receive your signed copyright form, we cannot publish your article.

Q11: How many papers can an author submit and what are the restrictions ?
A11: An author can submit any number of different papers for publication consideration. You cannot submit the same paper to more than one journal at the same time for consideration.

Publisher Information
Publishing Body
Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce(Autonomous), Baramati.
Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce(Autonomous), Baramati. Pin. 413102, Dist- Pune , Maharashtra , India.
Editor in Chief
Dr. Avinash Jagtap Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce(Autonomous), Baramati.
Email :

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